Native Plant List

Kristen is incredibly passionate about wildlife habitat gardening with native plants and heirloom vegetable gardening. Every year Kristen enjoys challenging herself in the garden by growing a wide variety of native plant species and heirloom vegetables from seeds. As she often produces many more plants than her garden and habitat can accommodate, Kristen is now offering a selection of the plants she grows for purchase. Below you will find the plants Kristen is offering in 2023.

Inventory is ā€œto be determinedā€ in the late spring (late May) once all the plants have emerged from their winter dormancy.

Kristenā€™s backyard nursery is not open for in-person shopping. Orders can be placed online for pickup in New Tecumseth, ON. Payments are accepted via etransfer prior to pick up.

Native Flowering Plants

Nodding Wild Onion

Nodding Onion
(Allium cernuum)

$5.00 Available

Wood Poppy

Wood Poppy
(Stylophorum diphyllum)

$10.00 SOLD OUT

Wild Columbine

Wild Columbine
(Aquilegia canadensis)

$5.00 Available

Ohio Spiderwort

Ohio Spiderwort
(Stylophorum diphyllum)

$5.00 Available

Green Dragon

Green Dragon
(Arisaema dracontium)

$17.00 Available

Grasses and Sedges

Plantain-leaved Sedge

Plantain-leaved Sedge
(Carex plantaginea)

$10.00 SOLD OUT

Coming Soon

Little Bluestem
(Schizachyrium scoparium)

$5.00 SOLD OUT

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